1~2~3~4~5~ 1 gallon water
~~2~3~4~5~ 1C sugar
~~~~3~4~~~ 3t or 3 tea bags black tea
~~~~3~4~~~ 4t or 4 tea bags green tea
~~~~~~~~5~ 1 kombucha mushroom
~~~~~~~~5~ at least 1/4C live kombucha tea(the liquid the mushroom comes in) or white vinegar.

2~combine and return to boil. turn heat off
3~combine and let cool to room temp
4~strain into a clean glass jar
5~combine. cover with a towel and rubber band. takes about a week at at least 65 degrees. start tasting it after about 5 days. should be tarter than u like when harvested. it always sweetens up for some reason. it pisses me sometimes. there should be a new mushroom on top. save it and 1/4 or 1/2C of the liquid for the next batch. give the other mushroom to a friend. or dry it out and make a shoe.
i drink about a pint a day or more..........

*NEW* a watermelon twist
finish brewing kombucha.
blend some watermelon. rind and all.
add 1 part blended strained whole water melon 2 part kombucha.
let sit the same way you fermented the original batch of kombucha for 2 days then refrigerate.

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